Meegos are cool!

At least, they’re trying desperately to be cool. The latest cartoony gimmick integrated into MSN Messenger in Australia is doomed to certain failure for one simple reason: they don’t appear in the MSN main window at its default size. Observe:

MSN - meego nowhere

Merry game of spot the meegos anyone? Their tab is off the bottom of the screen.

Anyway, my point wasn’t how stupid the GUI and marketing people involved with Messenger are. Lord knows that topic deserves a blog of its own. I went to the Meegos site, and it seems that their strategy to make money is to charge you to create little cartoony pictures of yourself with their unresponsive and artistically restrictive interface. But even that’s not the stupidest thing. The stupidest thing is, they PROVIDE YOU WITH A REALTIME PREVIEW OF THE PICTURE. Okay, so it’s got a couple of stripes through it… all we need to do is make the blue stripes cool!

So, without further ado, let’s start making the blue stripes cool.

I'm the monkey

Of course, their home page also provides you with a real-time preview of all the clothes too, so anyone who’s handy with a paint tool can make their own meegos from the artwork on the site.


Now someone will go and prove me wrong by telling me how many schmucks have actually bought these things.