Katie Holmes has brain replaced by boiled cabbage

I’m not normally one to regurgitate celebrity gossip, but one story has me very concerned. The 16 missing days between the Old Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise’s infatuated new Bride-Bot.

... Sometime that week, her friends say, she flew to Los Angeles for a meeting with Cruise about a role in "Mission: Impossible 3." The meeting took place after April 11. The next time anyone heard from Holmes was on April 27, when she appeared in public as Cruise's girlfriend and love of his life. Where was she during those 16 days? Somewhere during that time, she decided to fire both her manager and agent, each of whom she had been with for years and who were devoted to her.

Read the article. This is just awful. And the new Tom Cruise has been coming across in interviews as, well, completely bananas.

In the days before blogs, they might very well have got away with this.