If you build it, they will use it for porn

Ethan Zuckerman is the man responsible for GeekCorps, and he has a few things to say to the world’s bloggers in this article.

Which raises the question, "In a world full of serious problems, what is this medium that we've created actually good for?"

Answer: It’s almost preternaturally suited to distributing porn.

He raises some really good points: the vast majority of bloggers write from a rich, western, technocratic viewpoint. However, as the medium evolves and global wireless telecommunications really takes off (think backpack-satellite-comms-enabled gear available cheaply and widely), I do believe we’ll see some really interesting guerilla journalism start to occur in the so-called “blogosphere”.

Or, guerilla porn.

Wait, that’s already happened.

(uh, and on the flipside, there’s also this. Guerilla Anti-Porn)