Don't take it from me

Take it from hundreds of historians (link via the great blog DemiOrator blog): George W. Bush’s presidency is the worst ever. Just one choice quote from the so-heated-my-laptop-burst-into-flames-maybe-I-should-have-sent-back-the-battery-when-Apple-recalled-it article:

“He is blatantly a puppet for corporate interests, who care only about their own greed and have no sense of civic responsibility or community service. He lies, constantly and often, seemingly without control, and he lied about his invasion into a sovereign country, again for corporate interests; many people have died and been maimed, and that has been lied about too. He grandstands and mugs in a shameful manner, befitting a snake oil salesman, not a statesman. He does not think, process, or speak well, and is emotionally immature due to, among other things, his lack of recovery from substance abuse. The term is "dry drunk". He is an abject embarrassment/pariah overseas; the rest of the world hates him . . . . . He is, by far, the most irresponsible, unethical, inexcusable occupant of our formerly highest office in the land that there has ever been.

Personally, I like the guy. No, really.